Launched during the lock-down period, is among the newest e-Commerce website from the Northeast. Headquartered at Gangtok,Sikkim, NEOrigins delivers to places all over the country.
Brief info: NEOrigins is an online marketplace that sells products sourced from amidst the greenest hills and the pristine Himalayas and made with the goodness of raw resources, a precision in the creative process and a load of affection of the north-eastern diversity.
Flat 30% Off On WordPress Hosting
More About NEOrigins
Domain registration – May 2020
Products: Teas, Chocolates, Pickles, Beauty products from all over NE

Their website is a clean minimalist looking website with a very friendly UI website made using WordPress. The website even looks better when viewed from mobile. Shopping on their website will be a smooth one!
Go check it out!
And follow them on Facebook
Also check this out: NE eCommerce Website That’s Launched During This Pandemic
About TechMorung Pick:
We handpick Website, App, Instagram Page/Store, Video from the Northeast so as to promote them. Watch out for more TechMorung Picks.